Friday, September 6, 2013


:: dear rats that eat the bananas that hang from my front door, guys, there are plenty to go around. there is absolutely no way that i can consume 40 bananas in 2 days and they are getting ripe so have at it. that's cool with me, but i'd appreciate if you wouldn't number two on my counters afterwards. i feel like that's a fair arrangement, no? 
:: dear overcast wintery weather, i am soaking you in now because we are just a few short months away from going back to summer. thanks for the breezes, the rain and the change of pace. you are welcome to stay for awhile.  
:: dear friends who send me snail mail, you give me warm fuzzy feelings every time i go to the post office and pick up your notes. i am so lucky to have you in my life and it means so much that you think so neat about holding a letter that was written by someone you think is rad and to think of the journey it has made to get to you.  
of me. there is something
:: dear sweet old lady i met in the market yesterday, thank you for making me laugh and for talking with me about weaving. i'm still not sure about marrying your son. yes, i realize i'm of the age where i should be getting married and having babies, but just because we are the same age and single doesn't mean we are meant to be. regardless, you and your best friend had me laughing to the point of tears and i'm so excited to return to the market and sit with you and learn the art of tongan basket weaving. and yes, i think it's super cool that you make up your own patterns and dye your own leaves.  
:: dear little sister, happy 27th birthday. i just read a time magazine article that says that your parents and friends take a pretty big role in your development, but your siblings are your true "life partners". thanks for being the sweet, funny, awesome sis you are.
:: dear gold digger ice cream, i'm so appreciative that you reminded me of my lactose intolerance. you tasted so good going down - your toffee wonderfullness and chocolate covered hokey pokey bits were delightful. thanks for reminding me to listen to my body. we had a good run, but i don't think you can be in my life anymore. kthksbai.  
:: to my dearest students, thank you for being the hilarious and poto (smart) rays of sunshine that you are. you remind me daily of the reason i'm here, say hello to me every morning and give the greatest hugs. thanks for inviting me to play rugby with you, jump rope with you and for trying so hard in school.

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