Sunday, August 19, 2012

All I Can See

My friend Emily introduced me to this song this week. I'm obsessed. I can't get enough of it. The chorus is my favorite and the lyrics seem to convey exactly what I'm feeling right now. Here are a few lines from my favorite part of the song:

The revolution of the earth around the sun
is the perfect lesson of how it should be.
So if I can I'll learn
to journey and return,
to never rest till I've seen all I can see...

I want to learn a completely new language,

one I don't understand.
I want to help someone lost, someone helpless,
with the strength of my hand.
I want to come to the base of a statue built
before they counted the years,
and there I'll fall with my face in my hands and cry
and feel their hope in my tears.

This adventure is going to be filled with exploring and learning. And I'm ready.

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