Friends is one of my favorite TV shows. I still can't believe it's been off the air for nearly 10 years. I feel like I can still relate to every episode. Like this week, I was working my way through Season 7. It's the season where they all turn 30 and since I'm now less than 365 days from doing so, it may or may not be on my mind a little bit. Friends can also be applied to the Peace Corps and my life in The Kingdom of Tonga. Their faces say it all. Here. I'll show you:
Finding out I ate dog, when someone told me it was chicken.
Finding out a pig got inside the school fence because the gate was left open and then realizing that I am the one that needs to chase it out.
How I feel when I understand Tongan.
How I feel when I don't understand Tongan.
Hearing about fakalele and the different sicknesses people get (and share about openly) here.
Waking up to another hot and so-humid-you-are-melting day in Tonga.
Thank you for the help Chandler, Joey, Phoebe, Ross, Rachel and Monica!
[Friends: Copyright NBC]
P.S. Some of you have asked if you can send me a letter/care package. You are more than welcome to and I will surely write you some snail mail back! It's my favorite thing. My address is:
Mandy Pederson, PCV
PO Box 136
Kingdom of Tonga
South Pacific*
*Super important as letters and packages have gone to Togo (in Africa) in the past.
FYI: I love nuts, tea, dark chocolate, lotion and ground coffee.
This post is super awesome.